CAD Process
The measurements and modeling process.
![Column Labels](images/cad/columns.jpg)
![Spool Dimensions](images/cad/spooldimensions.jpg)
This was our spool that could hold 100 ft of 1/4 inch rope.
![Spool Dimensions](images/cad/spool.jpg)
In order to hold the spool, a rod will be passed through and fixed on either end by the braking system case.
To hold the spool in the center, a part such as a flange will be used to keep the spool in place.
![Spool Fixed](images/cad/spoolfix.jpg)
In order to make sure the rope spools out from the same location, a rope guide was created.
![Rope Guide](images/cad/ropeguide.jpg)
![Crank Dimensions](images/cad/crankdimensions.png)
This was our original crank design, based on the calculations.
![Crank Original Design](images/cad/crankoriginal.jpg)
After looking at the crank in the context of the whole system, we decided to increase the thickness to be able to properly hold the force of the spring.
Additionally, we also modified the design to symmetrically hold the levers and smoothly rotate by the weight of the person.
![Crank Revised Design](images/cad/crankrevised.jpg)
The arms were created based on the space available after the crank and springs were positioned.
With the crank,
![T-bar with crank, front](images/cad/tbarfront.jpg)
![T-bar with crank, isometric](images/cad/tbariso.jpg)
In order to create free-length closed and ground springs, which were necessary in order to fit the springs in the spring cups, a variable pitch had to be manually determined and inputted into SolidWorks.The solid spring could be made using a constant pitch.
The result for the free length and solid spring is below:
![Spring inputs free](images/cad/springinput.jpg)
![Spring inputs solid](images/cad/springinputsolid.jpg)
These inputs, and cuts on the top and bottom to grind the springs, give the spring shape:
![Spring Free Length](images/cad/springfreelength.jpg)
![Spring Free Length](images/cad/springsolidlength.jpg)
![Spring Cups](images/cad/springcupreference.png)
Using these dimensions, a spring cup was created to hold the springs in place.
![Spring Cups](images/cad/springcup.jpg)
![Spring with Spring Cup](images/cad/springwithspringcup.jpg)